Felicidades Angelina Jolie

El 4 de junio de 1975 nacía en Los Ángeles, California, la actriz Angelina Jolie Voight, mi actriz favorita, sin ninguna duda (lo siento, tenia que decirlo). Ahora, repasaremos brevemente la filmografía de la denominada “chica mala de Hollywood”.

Angelina Jolie empezó siendo modelo a los 15 años, que la llevaron a aparecer en diversos videos musicales, como por ejemplo con Lenny Kravitz. Con 16 años realizo una obra de teatro donde interpretaba el papel de una chica alemana en Dominatrix.
Aunque apareció con tan solo 7 años junto con su padre en Lookin’ to get out, su deber en el mundo del cine fue en Cyborg 2: la sombra de cristal, como un robot-humano, en un papel secundario.
Su primer papel protagonista fue en Hackers, donde conoció a su primera marido, Jonny Lee Miller. Después de esta película, realizo algunas mas, como Love is all there is, Foxfire, Playing God, True Women, una película para la televisión, además de aparecer también en un video de los Rolling Stones.
A partir de 1997, Angelina comenzó a escoger mejores papeles para sus películas. Por la película George Wallace recibió un Globo de Oro y una nominación a los Emmy. Después realizo GIA, una serie de HBO, donde interpretaba a la modelo Gia Caraggi  por la que consiguió su segundo Globo de Oro, otra nominación a los Emmy y el premio del Sindicato de Actores.
Después realizo una serie de películas, que hicieron que poco a poco se fijaran mas en ella: Hell’s Kitchen, Playing By Heart, Fuera de Control, El Coleccionista de Huesos, siendo este el primer éxito comercial de la actriz.
'Inocencia Interrumpida'
En 1999 llegaría el papel que le dio un Oscar, y más que merecido: Inocencia Interrumpida, donde interpretaba a Lisa Rowe. Esta película se veía como el vehiculo de lucimiento para Winona Ryder, sin embargo Angelina se robo la película, y ganando muchas criticas positivas por su actuación.
También apareció en 60 segundos, con Nicolas Cage, que seria su segunda película comercial.
El éxito en taquilla de Angelina llego con Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, donde interpretaba a la conocida heroína de videojuegos, y dejando claro que era perfecta para papeles de acción (como ha ido demostrando a lo largo de su carrera). Gracias a esta película consiguió el éxito internacional y fue alabada por su desempeño físico. También realizo la secuela, Lara Croft: la cuna de la vida (que no logro recaudar tanto como la primera). Entre estas dos películas realizo Pecado Original, con Antonio Banderas, y Siete días y una vida.
'Lara Croft: Tomb Raider'
Amar peligrosamente fue su siguiente película, que no recibió muy buenas críticas y  tampoco fue demasiado buena en taquilla. Le siguieron Vidas Ajenas, Shark Tale, película de animación donde ponía nombre a un pez llamado Lola, y Alejandro Magno, junto a Colin Farrell, interpretando a Olympia.
'Alejandro Magno'
En 2005 llegaría Sr & Sra Smith, siendo su mayor éxito comercial, y donde conoció a su actual pareja, el también actor Brad Pitt. La película fue bien recibida, alabando sobre todo la química entre los dos actores.
Después aparecería en El Buen Pastor, de Robert De Niro, A Mighty Heart, Beowulf, Wanted, otra pelicula de accion junto a Morgan Freeman, y presto su voz para la película de Dreamworks, Kung Fu Panda.
'El Intercambio'
En 2009 protagonizo la película de Clint Eastwood, El Intercambio, que le valió una nominación al Oscar (que no consiguió, se lo llevo Kate Winslet por The Reader).
Sus últimos trabajos han sido en Salt, película de acción donde interpretaba a una agente de la CIA. En un principio, el papel estaba pensado para Tom Cruise, y donde sufrió un fuerte golpe en la cabeza, que no hizo que parara el rodaje. También presto su voz a la película Kung Fu Panda 2, secuela de la anteriormente dicha.
En 2011, estreno una película, dirigida por ella misma, titulada In the Land of Blood and Honey, donde recibió criticas dispares.
Angelina Jolie tiene futuros proyectos en mente: por un lado, saldrá en Cleopatra, película que narrara la vida de la reina de Egipto, además será Maléfica en la nueva adaptación que se esta preparando, llamada Maléfica.
'In the Land of Blood and Honey'
Pero Angelina no solo es conocida por su carrera como actriz, también se la conoce en su labor humanitaria, siendo del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados.
Desde aquí le deseo un muy feliz día, junto a toda su familia, y que siga deleitándonos con sus grandes interpretaciones.  

Miley Cyrus And Nicki Minaj Halloween

Miley Cyrus 

Halloween 2012

Really excited for Halloween this year, i'm planning on getting dressed up and going trick or treating, hopefully they won't think i'm too old!! I really want to go as a skeleton but how Lady Gaga has done her face in the Born this Way video, it looks quite complicated to do, but good old YouTube has loads of tutorials! I have the perfect blouse to go with the outfit and i'm sure i can find a bow tie! Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry look cool with their face paint on. Also, my nails have been getting in the Halloween style, i love nail art and ordered some nail art brushes a few months ago and went through a stage obsessed with making them look extra cool. I hadn't designed them in a while so my friend helped me out and we did some Halloween style ones, they are really cool to look at and really easy to do.
 lady gaga born this way makeup skeleton

Celebrity Halloween Pics

Fergie pukeutui Lindsay Lohaniksi. Love it!
Stacy Keibler (who? No George Clooneyn mirkku)  on musta joutsen
Adam Lambert ja Sauli Koskinen
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson appears in a photo <a href='https://twitter.com/TheRock/status/263760955010330624' title='Dwayne Johnson Twitter page' target='_blank'>posted on his official Twitter</a> page on October 31, 2012.
Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson aka the Hulk

Hilary Duff tietää että Halloween on Dia de los Muertos
Miley Cyrus (oik) Nicki Minajina

Ottakaa mallia mallista: Heidi Klum v 2011 
BlondieHalloweenious eli Cruella De Vil. 
Kuka nyt itsensä jättäisi pois Best Dressed -listalta?

Chris Brown Fight 2012

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight

chris brown fight
Chris Brown Fight 2012

Chris Brown Fight

Drake vs. Chris Brown vs Meek Mill...the winner gets Rihanna, maybe...i woke up to this love triange nonsense, check it out if ur into that type of thing...I dont judge you...shout out to Birthplace Magazine.

Deadly Sukhoi Su-30

Army and Weapons | Deadly Sukhoi Su-30 | The Sukhoi Su-30 (NATO reporting name Flanker-C) is a twin-engine, two-seat military aircraft developed by Sukhoi Aviation Corporation Russian. It is a multirole fighter for all-weather, air-air and air to ground missions deep ban.

The Su-30 started as an internal development project in the Sukhoi Su-27 Sukhoi family. The draft plan was renewed and was officially named by the Russian Ministry of Defence in 1996. Of the Flanker family, only the Su-27, Su-30, Su-34 and its Su-35 was ordered into production by the Ministry of Defence. All others, such as the Su-37, were prototypes.
The Su-30 has two different branches, manufactured by competing organizations: KnAAPO and Irkut Corporation, both under the umbrella of Sukhoi group. KnAAPO produce the Su-30MKK and Su-30MK2, designed for and sold to China and later Indonesia and Vietnam. Because of the involvement of KnAAPO's from the early stages of the development of Su-35, these are basically a two-seater version of the mid 1990's Su-35. The Chinese chose an older but lighter radar, so the canards could be omitted in exchange for increased payload. It is a special Strike Fighter is designed for long-range air-ground attack missions, similar to the American F-15E.
Irkut traditionally served the Soviet Air Defense in the early years of the Flanker development was the responsibility of the production of the Su-27UB, the two-seat trainer version of the Su-27. When India showed interest in the Su-30, Irkut gave the multirole Su-30MKI, which arise as the Su-27UB modified with avionics for fighters. Together with its ground-attack capabilities, the series adds features for air-superiority role, such as thrust vectoring-, forward canards and a long-range phase-array radar. Its derivatives are the MKM, MKA and MKV for Malaysia, Algeria and Venezuela, respectively. Russia is in talks for the mass production Sukhoi's Irkut to buy 28-40 Su-30 fighters, C.
The Su-30 is a multirole fighter. It has a two-seat cockpit with an air brake behind the canopy.
The Su-30MK is capable of creating a wide variety of combat missions at significant distances from home, in all weather conditions and radar jamming during both day and night.  This multirole aircraft is adequately equipped for the full spectrum of tactical and operational combat employment scenarios, ranging from counter-air tasks (ie, gaining air superiority, air defense, Air Patrol and escort) to the ground attack , suppression of enemy air defense the, air ban, close air support and maritime attacks. Additionally, the Su-30MK to perform ECCM and early warning functions, and exercise command and control over a group of assets conducting joint air combat missions. It has a 9 g load maneuverability.
Aerodynamic configuration of the Su-30MK is an unstable longitudinal triplane-in. To increase the effectiveness and improve maneuverability of the aircraft lift, foreplanes are installed. They are automatically directed to controlled flight at high angle of attack to insure. Foreplanes, only installed in a number of Su-30 variants like the Su-30MKI.
The integrated aerodynamic configuration combined with thrust vector control, resulting in an unprecedented maneuverability and unique features of the land and take off. Equipped with a digital fly-by-wire system, the Su-30MK is capable of some very advanced maneuvers. They include the familiar Pugachev Cobra and Bell. This can quickly strip the aircraft speed, allowing a fighter to the pursuit of excess. When performing a somersault maneuver the aircraft makes 360-degree turn in the pitch plane without any loss of altitude. In the Controlled Flat Spin maneuver the aircraft performs several full turns in the horizontal plane, with zero forward speed, virtually on the spot.
The central plane is equipped with two Saturn AL-31F afterburning low-bypass turbofan engines. Two AL-31F turbofans, each rated at 12,500 kgf (123 kN, 27,550 pounds) afterburning thrust ensures full of Mach 2 in level flight, 1350 kmh speed at low altitude and 230 m / s climb rate.

With a normal fuel reserve of 5,270 kg, the Su-30MK is capable of a 4.5-hour combat mission with a range of 3000 km. An in-flight refueling system increases the duration of the flight 10 hours with a range of 5.200 km (3.200 mi) a cruising altitude of 11-13 km. The long distance significantly increases deployment options. Missions range from long patrols, escorts and long-range interception and ground attack.
The thrust vectoring engines on a number of Su-30 variants have nozzles with turn axes positioned at 32-degree angle to each other. The differential deflection of ± 15 degrees to the engines' asymmetric nozzles can pitch / yaw thrust vectoring control. Depending on the maneuver can be synchronized nozzles deflect or deviate from the pattern of horizontal tail surfaces.

A two-crew configuration contributes significantly to better combat capabilities, due to rational distribution of workload among the crew. While the first pilot flies the aircraft, controls weapons and performs air combat maneuvering, the co-pilot employs BVR air-air and air-ground guided weapons in long range engagements, monitors tactical environment to ensure situational awareness, command and run and-control tasks in group missions
  • Radar: Either one or N001VE Phazotron N010 Zhuk-27 N011M BARS pulse Doppler or a passive electronically scanned array radar. For detecting and tracking up to 15 air targets, while simultaneously attacking four of them. The N011M BARS radar (with a resolution 20-m/65.6-ft) ensures the detection of large sea surface targets at a distance of up to 400 km (250 miles), and small size at a distance of up to 120 km ( 75 mi).
  • Other avionics include an integrated opto-electronic sensing and navigation system with a laser gyro navigation system, helmet-mounted displays, head-up display, multifunction color LCDs with image mixing capability, and a GPS (GLONASS / NAVSTAR compatible).
  • IR and laser sighting pods to detect and to small ground targets are available for installation. It is equipped with an ECCM facility intended to hostile electronic and electro-optical countermeasures to undermine.
  • The plane's automatic pilot is in all flight phases including low-altitude flight into terrain-following mode, and individual employment and collective struggle against air and ground / sea surface targets. Automatic control system connected to the navigation system route flight, target approach and landing airfield repair in the automatic mode.